Abstract:The bio-fertilizer extract with different carriers (organic compost,charcoal,flower cultivate soil,fungus chaff,potato pulp and peat,6 formula) on seed germination of Sorghum sudanense was studied.Both thevolume fraction of 25% and 50% for bio-fertilizer extract of different carriers significantly promoted the seedgermination and the volume fraction of 25% for bio-fertilizer extract of composite carrier was superior to thesimplex carrier.Compared with control group,the bud length,sprout weight,root length and root superficial areawere enhanced by 24.4%,28.9%,69.6% and 73.6% respectively under F4 treatment.The principal componentanalysis showed that the bio-fertilizer with composite as carrier were better than the bio-fertilizer of simplexcarrier of 50% volume fraction (expect F6 treatment).For 25% volume fraction,F4 was the best,and F1and F3 were better with composite as carrier,The organic compost was the best and followed by charcoal in allsimplex carriers.