【Objective】 In order to understand the physiological and ecological adaptation strategies of Agropyronmongolicum to habitat changes.【Method】 Four kindsof habitat communities whichdominated by Agropyron mongoli-cum in Dashuikeng Town,Qingshan Town,Huamachi Town and Gaoshawo Town in Yanchi County,Ningxia wereselected. The response of osmotic regulatory substances and antioxidant enzyme system of Agropyron mongolicum toheterogeneous habitats were studied.【Result】 The soluble sugar content,proline content,peroxidase activity,leafrelative water content,chlorophyll content and amino acid content of Agropyron mongolicum in different habitats indesert steppe changed significantly with the change of habitat (P<0. 05).【Conclusion】 Under the conditions of limitedsoil water and nutrient resources,Agropyron mongolicum population could adapt to the changing habitat throughsynergistic and tradeoff effects such as accumulation of osmotic regulation substances and activation of antioxidant system.Under the natural habitat conditions of Dashuikeng and Huamachi,the Agropyron mongolicum could resiststress by enhancing the activity of peroxidase. Under the harsher environmental conditions in Gaoshawo town andQingshan township,the Agropyron mongolicum adapted to stress mainly through accumulation of proline or solublesugar.