






甘肃省青年人才项目(文件号:甘组通字[2023]20 号);中央财政林业科技推广项目([2020]ZYTG09)

Quality evaluation of free amino acids in branches and leaves of tamarixs based on multivariate statistical methods

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    【目的】探明和评价柽柳枝叶中游离氨基酸质量状况,并筛选出优良种质资源。【方法】以 12 份柽柳嫩枝叶为材料,采用高效液相色谱检测其氨基酸组分,通过描述性统计分析、相关性分析、主成分分析和隶属函数值分析等多种统计学方法评价柽柳游离氨基酸质量。【结果】12 份柽柳嫩枝叶中均至少含有 17 种游离氨基酸,且含有 7 种必需氨基酸,总氨基酸含量 803. 21~1769. 06 mg/kg,平均含量为 1 196. 24 mg/kg。其中必需氨基酸含量 143. 42~361. 61 mg/kg,平均含量为 226. 60 mg/kg;甜味氨基酸含量为 481. 08~1279. 89 mg/kg,平均值为 715. 39 mg/kg;苦味氨基酸含量范围为 117. 41~ 341. 62 mg/kg,平均值为 181. 38 mg/kg;鲜味氨基酸含量为 159. 90 ~374. 71 mg/kg,平均值为 242. 06 mg/kg;芳香族氨基酸含量为 22. 83~118. 58 mg/kg,平均值为 48. 93 mg/kg;药用氨基酸含量为 315. 34~634. 78 mg/kg,平均值为 472. 81 mg/kg,支链氨基酸含量为 49. 40~107. 90 mg/kg,平均值为 68. 51 mg/kg。相关性分析显示,有 33 对氨基酸指标间呈极显著相关(P<0. 01),17 对指标间呈显著相关(P<0. 05)。主成分分析显示,前 6 个主成分累计贡献率为 90. 382%。通过隶属函数值法对 12 份柽柳氨基酸质量进行综合评价,排名前 4 位的为长穗柽柳、甘肃柽柳、多枝柽柳和甘蒙柽柳(甘肃),后 4 位的为山川柽柳 2、中国柽柳、多花柽柳和细穗柽柳,其他居中。【结论】利用主成分和隶属函数法可以评价不同柽柳间游离氨基酸的综合质量,其中长穗柽柳、甘肃柽柳、多枝柽柳、甘蒙柽柳(甘肃)等为较优良的种质资源。


    【Objective】 The aim of this paper is to explore and evaluate the quality of free amino acids in branches and leaves of tamarixs ,and to screen out the excellent germplasm resources.【Method】 Free amino acid composition in 12 tender branches and leaves of tamarix was measured using high performance liquid chromatography. Systematic evaluations were performed through correlation analysis,principal component analysis and the membership function method.【Result】 The study revealed that the 12 tamarisks contained more than 17 types of free amino acids,including 7 essential amino acids,with total amino acid concentrations ranging from 863. 21~1769. 06 mg/kg and average content 1266. 79 mg/kg. Various categories of amino acids were identified,including medicinal amino acid,sweet amino acid,bitter amino acid,flavor amino acid,aromatic amino acid and branched amino acid were 143. 42~361. 61 mg/kg,315. 34~634. 78 mg/kg,481. 08~1 279. 89 mg/kg,117. 41~341. 62 mg/kg,159. 90~374. 71 mg/kg, 22. 83~118. 58 mg/kg,49. 40~107. 90 mg/kg,and whose average were 226. 80 mg/kg,472. 81 mg/kg,715. 39 mg/kg,181. 38 mg/kg,242. 06 mg/kg,48. 93 mg/kg and 68. 51 mg/kg,respectively. Six principal components were constructed by factor loading. The corresponding contribution ratio was 90. 38%. Conelation analysis shoued that 33 fairs of amino acid indicaters shoued extremely sibnificant correlation (P<0. 01),and 17 pairs of indicators shoued significant conelation(P<0. 05). Listed by the amino acid quality,the top 4 members were Tamarix elongate Ledeb. ,Tamarix gansuensis X. Z. Zhang,Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. and Tamarix austromogoltca Nakai (Gansu). The last 4 members were Tamarix arceuthoides Bunge(NO. 2),Tamarix chinensis Lour. ,Tamarix hohenackeri Bunge and Tamarix leptostachys Bunge.【Conclusion】 Principal component analysis and the membership function method proved effective for evaluating the comprehensive quality of free amino acids in different tamarix species. Tamarix elongate Ledeb. ,Tamarix gansuensis X. Z. Zhang,Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. and Tamarix austromogoltca Nakai(Gansu) are recommended as excellent germplasm resources. This study lays a theoretical foundation for further breeding,development and utilization of tamarix species.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-04-22
  • 最后修改日期:2023-10-31
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-05-28
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